0 - The Lobby
if you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the
Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the
madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in
God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby,
because it sure as hell has heard you
Class 2
9 - Darkened Suburbs
an infinite suburban area at midnight. the houses vary in design and size, and each appear to be furnished and fairly new, although there is no power source for the lighting systems to function while some houses have a chance of being empty. the wet asphalt roads are unpainted and are covered with leaves in some areas. the street lamps are usually powered off and are inactive, although some flicker off and on and are sometimes even powered.
Class 3

13 - Endless Apartments
a seemingly infinite apartment building with an extremely high number of floors. the condition is rather old and unclean, having tears, dusty, cracked, and occasionally possessed small holes. the floor appears more unsteady as you ascend, seeming more deserted. each room varies as if they were stratified, ranging from empty, little furniture to comparable hotel rooms, but all of which have the same aspect of being deserted and dusty as though they haven't been cleaned in a while.
Class 3

25 - Out Of Order
a series of multiple rooms that connect segmented, adorned with an array of mid-to-late 80s arcade cabinets that fill most of the rooms, though some are out of order or have been destroyed beyond recognition, posing an electrical hazard to the level. the rooms are partially or entirely made of decaying concrete, and carpet occasionally covers the floor. the designs and decorations were reminiscent of the level's theme.
Class 1

28 - Stormstone Keep
Stormstone Keep is the dilapidated but still livable ruins of a European medieval castle. it is located on a large hill in the center of a forested valley. the valley is surrounded on all sides by impossibly tall and narrow mountains that seem to defy the laws of physics. it is impossible to see the tops of some of them, as they are permanently covered by clouds and grey-blue mist. these mountains remain unexplored and are highly dangerous.
Class 1

33 - The Endless Mall
an empty shopping mall. most of the stores are owned by major corporations from the real world, but usually have few products in stock or are completely empty. some stores are closed off by a gate that currently has no known way to open. more often than not the food courts will be empty, but there’s a chance that you can come across a food court or store that has a full stock. the mall will progressively become more worn down the further you travel.
Class 3

50 - Moribund Highway
a seemingly infinite four lane desert highway, with two lanes going either way. it consists of countless cars that seem to have been ‘paused’. the only sound one can hear is themselves. the silence can easily drive one mad. all vehicles have Nevada license plates, reading the same text: "I80L2WV". the only known safe vehicle to reside in are mobile homes, such as RVs. the true dangers of this level lie within the random humans that roam the highway.
Class 3

109 - Inhospitality
an infinite array of hospital corridors with different lengths. these corridors contain numerous different doors which all lack labelling, which makes it so that no one could know for sure what lies behind a certain door. such doors will appear in large quantities down every corridor, always seemingly leading to a different room. most rooms resemble a specific hospital department. you can also find valuable medical resources inside the auditoriums which would be found inside normal hospitals.
Class 2

119 - Average Waterpark
an abandoned waterpark. it contains infinite slides, which some have special effects when riding. although none of the slides are rusty on the outside, for some reason they are on the inside. some slides will randomly disappear with a blink of an eye, sometimes coming back just as quickly. the slides can sometimes glitch into each other, making sliding down them completely impossible. the chances of danger increase the more time you spend in here.
Class 4

190 - School Dentention
a high school hallway, with classes on both sides, most likely one in America. this level has a cycle of 12 hours, at the end of the 12 hours the light outside the level will go out suddenly and will be replaced with the lunar light. the building is composed of a series of adjacent corridors, classrooms, and stairs placed randomly. the classrooms inside are stocked with school supplies. the computer texts are in an unknown language.
Class 2

283 - Playland
a giant complex of interior playground mazes made up of various types of interior playgrounds conjoined into one giant mega-structure. it smells like plastic and cleaning sprays with broken or used toys scattered around the level. the expected bright colors are dulled from the years and feel sade to look at. faint laughter and crying can be heard in certian areas. with the few windows available it always seems to be daytime, but there is no way to go outside.
Class 3

entities list
resources list

almond water
a refreshing beverage that restores energy and health
level keys
keys that allow you to access other levels
a sweet treat that restores energy
lucky o milk
a refreshing beverage that restores energy and health
tarot cards
magical card deck that will answer any question you ask
a magical berry that restores sanity and transports you to another level when eaten
star candy
a sweet treat that restores health and sanity
memory jar
an object that holds memories of anyone and everyone that can be used for guidance or warnings
liquid silence
a raw resource that can deafen anything, often used for shoes, machines, and weapons
an object that combusts when damaged making a good weapon
ouji board
an object that allows you to communicate with entities in the area
smiler repellent
an object used to deter smilers and other select entities
squirt gun
an object that squirts any liquid out at a distance and most commonly used as a weapon
a mirror that can show you the furture and can lend gudiance and warnings
reality fresheners
an object that restores sanity when used
chekhov's gun
a gun that appears in certian levels when faced with hostile entities
cassette tapes
objects that can be used to record information
morality shards
an object that restores energy and sanity when nearby
liquid pain
a raw resource that can be used as a weapon
royal rations
a nutritous meal in the form of white gelatin that restores energy, health, and sanity
classification systems

level classification
the classification system of levels works on a scale of 1 to 5
1 |
easy |
2 |
normal |
3 |
moderate |
4 |
challenging |
5 |
difficult |
there are five categories taken into consideration when classifying a level: physical safety, pyschological safety, environmental safety, resources availible, and classifcation of entities
entity classifcation
the classification system of entities works on a scale of 1 to 5
1 |
peaceful |
2 |
domesticable |
3 |
wild |
4 |
hostile |
5 |
dangerous |
there is only one category taken into consideration when classifying an entity: human compatibilty