BoJack Horseman

Ok, so I'm going to try not to get too carried away with him but there's literally just so much about him to talk about. This guy is one of the best representations for Borderline Personality Disorder I have seen in the media. As someone with BPD, I had mixed emotions about this show when I first started waatching it because it sort of just seemed like another "they have BPD so they're an asshole" type of thing but this show goes so well into the why and how of BPD forming and how it affects your day-to-day life. While yes, BoJocak has BPD and is an asshole the show made sure to prove that not everyone with his past and problems end up the way he does. I absolutely adore the fact that there is a character out there I can use to help explain what I go through and not have people assume I'm a monster beause while again, yes, BoJack is an asshole, so many fans of this show relate to his emotions and reactions that I can compare myself to him free of judgement.

I fully believe no one else would have been able to portray this character as well as Will Arnett did. His voice fit perfectly with Bojack's personality and really tied him together. His aging throughout the show is also fucking amazing because I rarely see animated shows have their characters physically age. Of all the Bojack's we see I think the 90's Bojack and Season 6 Bojack are my favorite since they remind me SO MUCH of Bob Saget. They're literally twins and it's amazing. The green jacket blends well with his hair and skin tone which makes me a little sad we didn't see more of that but his classic blue sweater brought a nice pop to him. His hair in his younger ages also looks really good and adds to his self-absorbed personality.

I do wish we got more content relating to his school years only because it would defiently add to his character, not in a way that would redeem him in any way but just so we could see how his younger self interacted with others compared to his older self since all we see is his relationship with his parents as a small child and his start as a Hollywoo star. The scene in A Horse Walks Into Rehab when he's at the party in high school is so interesting to watch and I would have LOVED to dive more into that era of his life. It has some great potential for any form of media honestly and might try to do something myself someday :)

Diane Nguyen

I relate to Diane so fucking much. It's honestly jarring to know how many people dislike her because I felt she was by far the most relatable character in the entire show. Nearly everthing she says hits me like a punch in the soul because of how true and deeply awakening it is. She's written so fucking wonderfully that I feel like no matter what mindset I'm in while watching the show I can always relate to her and understand what she's going through. The thing that sticks out the most to me about her is when she talks about how she doesn't want all the trauma she's gone through to amount to nothing. Knowing that some people havve gone through so much worse and done amazing things weighs down on your making you feel useless and inferior. It's something I constantly struggle with but Diane's storyline helped me a bit with that.

First thing's first, she gained weight because of her anti-depressants!!! It's so unbeleivable rare to see a charcater gain weight at all, let alone because of the medication they are taking. I love that they did this, I only wish they let her hair grow out again as well since I think it would fit her body shape better. There's not much else to say on her pyhsical design, she's one of the only humans in the main cast so that alone sets her apart and makes her stand out. I think her hair color is wonderful on her but that's really all.

There really isn't much for me to ask for her character because of how well she was written. I loved her storyline and honestly wouldn't change anything. If you for whatever reason dislike her her, all I ask is that you just sit and think about a few of the things she's said.

Todd Chavez

Todd is so real for fucking everything I don't care what you say. He's a moron and lazy and honestly annoying as fuck but I love him becuase he literally does not give a shit about anything. He's honest and caring and actaully very emotinally intelligent. He's someone I would totally be friends with but I'm going to be honest I could never live with that man.

His design is very basic but I love that for him. The warm tones suit him and I love his beard scrufs/ His solo episodes are also really funny and some of my favorites.

Would absolutely love a spin-off of Todd's younger years just to see more about what's made him who he is now.

Hollyhock Manheim

I love how Hollyhock grows with the show, seeing her mature and age into a young women that is forced to make serious decisions about someone she thought she could love and trust. Seeing her realize who BoJack truly is and having to come to terms that she can't talk to him anymore is something a lot of young people go through but aren't sure how to handle which is why I think it's awesome they had Hollyhock take on that example. She did wonderful and I hope nothing but the best for her.

Her design is so srumply. She is so extremly pretty and her personality is done so fucking well. I love the stlye she takes on as she gets older because it really suits her and makes her look even more gorgeous. Definitely one of my favorite characters ever.

I think the show did a great job tackling how she reacted to Bojack at the end. While her not being in the very last episode was a good idea, I would have loved to see her reaction about his attempt. I think that the angst between knowing someone she used to love almost died and knowing who he really is as a person would have been heartbreaking to watch.

Penny Carson

Ok, this one is gonna hurt. Her scenes with BoJack at the end of season 2 hit me in ways I will never be able to explain. Viewing my past experience from an outside perspective and being old enough to truly understand what was happening was absolutely surreal. I think they did absolutely wonderful with her character and got so much accurate, even as she got older. Seeing what it did do BoJack was also an interesting thing to go through because I never expected my abusers to genuinely feel bad about the absue they put me through but it was almost healing watching BoJack continusouly struggle with what he did to Penny.

Her character design is absoluelty goregous and I think she is by far one of the prettiest characters in the show. Her color palette fits her personality very well and the clothing styles she has is simple but suits her. I also really adore how you can tell she grew up over the course of the show without the obvious physical features. You can hear it in her voice and the way she talks that she's grown up, you can tell she's no longer a child and it hurts to know she could've stayed one for longer.

Her being Charolette's daughter just makes everything that happened so much more painful and I wish we got just a little more insight as to what happened between Penny and her mom after Bojack left. I feel like that scene alone would bring up so much emoition within the viewwers and would have been award winning.
BoJack Horseman is a Netflix orginal adult animated psychological, tragic comedy drama television series created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg that is set in an alternate antropomorphic universe; BoJack Horseman, a washed-up star of the 1990s sitcom Horsin' Around, naviagates celebrity obscurity, declining mental health, and substance abuse issues while trying to climb back into the spotlight. The show aired in August 2014 and continued for 6 seasons, ending in Janarury 2020.

Bojack Horseman is one of, if not, my favorite TV show because of how well the characters are created and written so here are my top 10!

Beatrice Horseman

I FUCKING LOVE HER CHARACTER ARC SO FUCKING MUCH HOLY SHIT FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER AWARD!!! Straight up no joke this bitch is my favorite character ever just because she was written so fucking well, ESPECIALLY her dementia in Time's Arrow. There's literally so fucking much I can talk about with her but what I want to focus on is how badly she was failed. The incident of having to drive her grief-drunken mother home alone probably had such an intense impact on her that it wouldn't of mattered what else happened, she was doomed to be miserable from that moment on. Having to deal with both the loss of her brother and mom at such a young age defiently waas something that changed her and her father's ideals on women had no help what-so-ever. I feel so unbeleivly bad for young Beatrice. She was just a kid. None of thi excuses what she did to BoJack though, he was just a kid too. I think Beatrice's is a wonderful example of the mother wound and how deadly that cycle is; first Honey, then Beatrice, then BoJack. None of them could escape the pain of a loveless mother and that is one of the wosre pains there is. There's still so much about her I might literally make a video essay on this bitch I love her so much.

Her design is lovely, very fitting for the time period and type of women her father always wanted her to be. I don't know how many other people noticed this but all the horses in this show get lighter as they age; it's very prevalent with the side-by-side of young and old Beatrice but is still noticable in the others! For some reaosn she reminds me of Lydia Margarita del Carmen Inclán Maribona Leyte-Vidal de Riera from One Day At A Time. I feel like in a different life they could've been wives.

Again, I just wish we got more lore for her. She's such a well developed character that I want to see more of her!

Honey Sugarman

Her storyline is the saddest in the entire show. She's married to a clearly emoitionally distance man who has very skewed veiws on what women should be. Her first-born than dies in war and, reasonably, has a breakdown over this loss leading to her husband getting her a lobotomy. Forced to spend the rest of her life without the ability to properly process a thought. She deserved better, so much better. The world failed her.

She's oh so fucking gorgeous. I love her color and voice actress I think they go very well with her personality. Her lobotomy scar also goes so fucking hard I love that representation of what she's lost.

I just wish we got a few more scenes with her, especically after her lobotomy but I do like that they sort of shoved her to the side afterwards symbolizing how she's basically gone now.


Cool guy alert! Seriously though this guy is so cool to me I don't care what you fucking say. He's got practically everythign and his scenes are so warming to me. Like knowing that this was the man BoJack looked up to and sought for comfort as a child makes me feel a little bit better for some reason. I loved his role in The View From Halfway Down and think his part was written wonderfully. His appearances throughtout the show prior to that were also very well done and really bring to light the type of man BoJack aspired, and yet failed, to be. Along with this his suicide speaks essays to the impact it had on BoJack; his only real solace from a life of abuse kills himself leaving that idea in his mind that suicide is a way out. A tragic story, yet wonderfully written and handled.

His design also just slaps ass so hard omg. His color scheme is so pleasing to look at and fits well with the real Secretariat.

The only thing I wish we got to see was the version of Secretariat that Kelsey intended to make. His story is so rich and interesting it would've been amazing. The scene alone where he's told his brother died in Vietnam in his place would've been worth hundreds of Oscars I can feel it.

Gina Cazador

Anytime somebody mentions Gina, all I can think about is the scene before the interview where BoJack wants to come clean and admit what he did but Gina won't let him. She says "I don't want you to be the most notable thing that ever happened to me." I constantly feel like no matter what I do my trauma will always be the defining feature about me. It doesn't matter how long ago it was, or who did it, or how healed I am. My trauama is the only signifigant thing about me. It hurts me to know that whenever anyone thinks of her, all they think about is BoJack choking. BoJack is NOT the most notable thing about Gina yet it's all we, the fans, think of when talking about her. We never mention anything else about her besides later in season 6 when a co-star cussed her out for being "difficult to work with" when in reality she was still trying to heal from what BoJack did to her. No matter what we know about Gina Cazador, BoJack Horseman will be the only thing we mention when tlaking about her. I feel like I failed her saying that, but it's true. BoJcak isn't the most notable thing to ever happen to her but it's the only thing we care to discuss.

I don't have much to say about her physical character design but I love Stephanie Beatriz and her voice acting is incredible. Gina does remind me a tiny bit of Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn99.

Her scene in season 6 with her coworker is absolutely perfect. Getting to see the aftermath of what Bojack did to her is something I adore was included because it truly puts into perspective how Bojack ruins other people's lives. I wish we got more scenes like this, it would've made the show a perfect 10 out of 10 for me


Fuck man, where do I even began? She is just so beautifully written to portray what child actors, espicially girls, have to deal with in this world. The sexual abuse that her step-dad put her through and eventual abuse BoJack put her through are all too common for women, even more so for famous women. I think it's really overlooked that BoJack slept with her because he was her father. Not biologically, yes, but in all other aspects he raised her and then fucked her. The viewers moved on from that way too quickly. Sarah-Lynn was BoJack's first victim in more ways than one. He's the reason she started drinkning in the first place and ended up enabling her into the bender that ended her life. Her life was never perfect but BoJack was the one who made it hell. She deserved better and we all know that, what I want for her is justice. I'm afraid she'll never get any.

Design-wise she's fairly plain but I don't hate that. Her clothes are tacky-punk which fits her but the fact it's all for a brand deal makes it all more interesting. I love her facial featurees, she constantly has baggy red eyes and a monotone smile with little reactions.

I want a book from her perspective about her teen years. I think that would be lovely and something that would bring a lot more insight into who she is. I do agree that the vague mentions of what she's been through worked in the show but I think a book would be great.